I know radio’s going to like, overplay it to death, but I’m glad I’m already liking the song because I soon won’t for a while, but I then will again…eventually. Yeah, that’s how it works.
Because, “When the sun shines, we’ll shine together / Told you I'll be here forever / Said I'll always be a friend / Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end / Now that it's raining more than ever / Know that we'll still have each other / You can stand under my umbrella / You can stand under my umbrella / (Ella ella eh eh eh).”
MTV did the singer a service when they had her performed at its Movie Awards last night, a.k.a. the event that Paris Hilton attended before her early jail check-in. (Check out who took buckets of Golden Popcorn home here.)
Derivative Tina Landon choreography aside, the performance, which featured Jay-Z, was a get-up-on-your-feet highlight for the show. Just ask Hairspray’s Amanda Bynes – could she have been any cuter?
Of course, I loved Sarah Silverman’s hosting shtick. I mean, I ate it up. But I didn’t love how MTV didn’t even try to add a little more music to the show. They only had two performers, instead of the usual three. What the frak?
Which brings me to the night’s other performer – Amy Winehouse. Confession time: I’ve had her Back to Black for a couple of months now, and I was like, no, no, no. I have been resisting fully liking her, but this is changing for good: Get me a sweater because I am embracing this Hot Mess. Not doing so is futile.
Photo: E! Online.
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