“I’m preparing the pitch now – literally now,” Rob Thomas, the creator of the gone-too-soon CW show, recently said. “I hope to go in and talk to [executive producer] Joel Silver and [Warner Bros.] in the next week or two to see if they’re interested.”
And do I hope they are.
Thomas still has to bring home the plot, though, which will focus on Veronica (played by the formidable Kristen Bell) solving a crime in college rather than as an FBI agent. Had the show been renewed for a fourth season, the character would’ve flash-forwarded into the future, and we would’ve seen and enjoyed her at the bureau.
Thomas has cautioned, however, that completing an outline and pitching it are just two steps of a much more complicated process.
“I have some fear that Veronica Mars fans believe that the chief hurdle in getting the movie made is my writing it. Unfortunately, that’s only one of several hurdles.”
Pretty please, powers that be…make it so.
Photo: EW.com.
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